Motion Design
GiveFTW Logo Animation
Logo animation for, a charitable giving game that brings gamers together with charities and corporate donors.
MECA Promotional Video
Responsible for entire 2D animation including storyboarding, illustration, and soundtrack selection.
Summer Morph
Student animation exercise showing different simple summertime illustrations morphing into one another.
3D Logo Sculpture
Created a 3D version of my personal logo in After Effects, then playing with a simple rotation to show it off.
Other Motion Examples
Prize drawing animations created from scratch. Project included several animations for an internal entire live event.
Responsible for intro, outro and prize/streamer schedule animations using OMEN's brand assets for a promotional contest video.
Quick GiveFTW Social Animation.
2D animated overlays for homepage video. 3D and typography by Alec Hill and Edson Ku.